It is best to do exercises in a quiet room, sitting with eyes closed and keeping one’s personality (body, emotions and thinking) in an attitude of calm, rest and relaxation By Roberto Assagioli, undated, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence. Doc. #23361. Original Title: Esercizi Psicologici. Translated and Edited With Notes by Jan Kuniholm Social […]
The Devotional and Mental Way
The essential goal of Psychosynthesis is an ever-increasing communication, an ever broader and more intimate union between the conscious self and the spiritual self By Roberto Assagioli, undated unrevised notes, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, docs. #23326 and 1452. Original Title: Esercizi Interiori. Translated and Edited With Notes by Jan Kuniholm Before beginning the […]
Contemplation and Illumination
Contemplation implies a silence of all faculties, a special state in which there is, on the one hand, intense concentration, and on the other hand, there is complete receptivity to the thing contemplated. By Roberto Assagioli, Undated, From the Assagioli Archives in Florence, Docs. #23204 and 23205.[1] Original Title: Contemplazione e Illuminazione. Translated and Edited […]
Then there is a form of concentration that is higher and more important than those indicated so far: that of the Inner Observer or Spectator … By Roberto Assagioli, May 17, 1934, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, doc. #23152. Original Title: Concentrazione. Translated and Edited with Notes by Jan Kuniholm It is appropriate first […]
An Overview of Psychological Life
It is advisable at the beginning of the day to do what may be called the “psychological toilet”, the cleansing of the dross from the unconscious By Roberto Assagioli, 1967, From the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Doc.# 24002. Original Title: Panorama del Vivere Psicologico. Translated and Edited with Notes by Jan Kuniholm This lecture, the […]
Meditation on the Peace Of The Soul
Cultivating peace is not a spiritual luxury, but a daily necessity for all those who want to maintain the integrity of their soul By Roberto Assagioli, date unknown. From the Assagioli Archive in Florence. Translated by Gordon Symons. Original title: Meditazione Sulla Pace Dell’anima It cannot be said that this problem does not respond to […]
Joy – introduction to a meditation
Joy is not only an essential quality of spiritual consciousness, but it will be the quality of the new two-thousand-year Aquarian Age By Roberto Assagioli, date unknown, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence. Translated by Gordon Symons. Original title: LA GIOIA – Proemio Per Una Meditazione. See also Assagioli’s article Spiritual Joy. One of the […]
Meditation For Individual and Collective Health
Roberto Assagioli offers a meditation outline for the invocation of individual and collective health By Roberto Assagioli, date unknown, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence. Translated by Gordon Symons. Original title: Per La Salute Individuale E Collettiva Physical relaxation We try to eliminate all muscle and nervous tension by putting ourselves in a comfortable position. […]
Meditation with Roberto Assagioli on Acceptance
It could be said that one of the main causes of all problems, individual and social, is actually non-acceptance. By Roberto Assagioli, Transcription of a Live Talk Given August 15, 1972. Original Title: Meditazione con R. A. sulla Accettazione. Translated by Jan Kuniholm, From the Assagioli Archive in Florence [Moment of silence] This evening we […]
Meditation and Contemplation
Contemplation gives a sense of expansion, of enlargement, of joy, peace, of certainty, and of power. It is a true internal transfiguration. By Roberto Assagioli, 1931, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, translated by Gordon Symons. Original title: Meditazione E Contemplazione. At the last meeting we talked about meditation and we saw how a complete […]