Self-suggestion is a powerful method to change the subconscious into positive patterns, through the power of the mind and repetition. Assagioli also delves into the historical background of suggestion. By Roberto Assagioli, March 4, 1934 [i], Lecture VIII of a Course of Lectures on “The Energies Latent in Us.” From the Assagioli Archive in Florence, […]
How To Work With Subpersonalities
Assagioli offers good advice about how we work with subpersonalities as part of our counseling practice. By Roberto Assagioli, 1973. The following text is an extract from The Opening Address To The International Conference On Psychosynthesis, Val Morin, Quebec, August 1973, delivered by Fred Rosenzveig. In this opening address, Assagioli shares ways to work with subpersonalities and suggest […]
Indirect Suggestion
The subconscious is recording everything that goes on and these impressions act in us, so we must be vigilant in choosing our sources of influences. By Roberto Assagioli, date unknown, From the Assagioli Archive in Florence. Doc. #21887. Edited With Notes by Jan Kuniholm[1] Abstract: The plastic unconscious is like photographic film, but the images […]
The Subconscious
Assagioli defines the subconscious in this 1911 article, which he calls historical because it contains the stem of his present (1974) conception of subpersonalities. By Roberto Assagioli, 1911, From the Assagioli Archive in Florence. translated by Gordon Symons. Original title: Il Subcosciente (Editors note (KS): Roberto Assagioli considered his article: The Subconscious to be foundational to his understanding of subpersonalities. This […]
Suggestion: Its Nature And Laws
The ability to influence our subconscious with affirmations is called suggestion, and it is based on specific psychological laws By Roberto Assagioli, Feb. 25, 1934[i], from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, doc. #24061.[ii] Lecture VII of a Course of Lectures on “The Energies Latent in Us.” Original Title: La Suggestione: Sua Natura e Sue Leggi. […]
Assagioli defines his concept of subpersonalities as the different roles we play in life to other people. By Roberto Assagioli, 1957 or later[1], from The Assagioli Archive – Florence, translated by Gordon Symons. Original title: Subpersonalità Polarity – Ambivalence – Conflicts Polarity and ambivalence must be distinguished from conflicts, because they are not the same. Conflict is […]
Psychosomatic Causes and Psychotherapy
Assagioli presents how psychological forces affect the body and vice versa and presents many examples of it. By Roberto Assagioli, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence. Doc. 20492. [i] Original Title: L’Azione del Morale sul Fisico e la Psicoterapia – The Action Of The Moral On The Physical And Psychotherapy. Translated and Edited with Notes […]
Bio-Psychodynamics and Psychotherapy
Assagioli presents the history of psychotherapy and its importance for the healing of psychological conflicts and presents the outline of his clinical theory of psychosynthesis. By Dr. Roberto Assagioli, From the journal RADIESTESIA, July-September 1950, derived from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Doc. #23111. Original Title: Bio-psicodinamica e Psicoterapia. Translated and Edited With Notes by Jan […]
Psychic Influences
At every level of being — from animal biological nature to the highest spirituality — there are corresponding classes of supernormal or metapsychic or parapsychological phenomena. By Roberto Assagioli, 1965, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Doc. #23489. Original Title: Gli Influssi Psichici[i]Transcript from tape of a meeting held in 1965 on this subject. Translated and […]
The Multiplicities Within The Human Being
Our personality is not a unified whole, but consist of a multitude of different subpersonalities or parts, which can be integrated and synthesised. By Roberto Assagioli, Monday, 12th August, 10.a.m. (no date), The Assagioli Archive Florence. (Editors note: This is a transcript of a recorded lecture, and a few words were inaudibly marked by this […]