Assagioli argues that out-of-body experiences confirm that we can exist outside our bodies and that science already has some evidence to support the claim. By Roberto Assagioli, ( Doc. #16677 – Assagioli Archives – Florence), Original Title: Risposta all’inchiesta della revista “Parapsicologia”. Translated and Edited With Notes by Jan Kuniholm[I] Abstract: In this essay, Roberto […]
The Problem Of Evil
Assagioli gives an answer to , “How can the existence of evil be reconciled with divine participation, goodness and omnipresence?” By Considerator (Roberto Assagioli), (Assagioli Archives – Florence) from Original Title: Il Problema del Male. Translated and Edited With Notes by Jan Kuniholm Abstract: The text discusses the problem of evil and offers a unitary […]
Psychology and Religion (Psychology and Religious Experience)
Assagioli presents his vision of a spiritual psychology that can be a valuable partner to religion, focusing on the raw data of spiritual experience. By Roberto Assagioli, M.D., Director of the Institute of Psychosynthesis, Date unknown, From the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Doc. #22057. Formatted and edited with notes by Jan Kuniholm[i] Abstract: This essay deals only with psychology and […]
Psychology In The Future
The fact that at the center or apex of the individual is the Spiritual Self — which constitutes one’s essential reality is even denied by academic psychologists. By Roberto Assagioli, 1968, From The Assagioli Archive in Florence. Doc. #23977 [1]. Original Title: La Psicologia Nell’Avvenire. Translated and Edited with Notes by Jan Kuniholm. It can […]
“Although Psychosynthesis postulates the presence in man of a transpersonal essence, it maintains that man’s purpose in life is to “embody” and manifest this Self or essence as completely as possible in the world of daily life.” (Assagioli, from What Is Psychosynthesis?) THE USE OF SEED-THOUGHTS Roberto Assagioli. (Assagioli Archives – Florence). Original Title: Uso […]
Spiritual Consciousness and Astral Consciousness
The awakening of the soul does not appear complete and pure. In many cases the soul awakens gradually and incompletely … By Roberto Assagioli, Translated by Gordon Symons. Original title: Coscienza Spirituale E Coscienza Astrale, derived from The Assagioli Archive Florence. The awakening of the soul does not appear complete and pure. In many cases […]
Roberto Assagioli and Parapsychology
Assagioli was an ardent student of parapsychology and esotericism for many decades. In this eminent overview, we learn about his research and the historical times they played out – a truly astonishing piece of research by Mr. Baroni. By Francesco Baroni, Ph.D., historian and psychosynthesis counselor. Edited and Translated by Jan Kuniholm Introduction Parapsychology is […]
Symbols of the Supernormal, Part I-III
By Roberto Assagioli, Conference of Dr. Roberto Assagioli in 1957, from the Assagioli Archive Florence. Translated by Jan Kuniholm and Francesco Viglienghi. Original Title: Simboli del Supernormale I-III […] I will say something more about language. Now, fortunately, we have realized the difficulties of language, and a whole semantic science has developed, as well as […]
Why You Are Not Your Body, According to Roberto Assagioli
Why did Assagioli maintain his “I am not my body…” affirmation in his disidentification exercise despite opposition to it? In this article, we will explore what underlying experiences and philosophy he bases his understanding on and how he responded to his critics. By Kenneth Sørensen, MA in Psychosynthesis and author of The Soul of Psychosynthesis […]
Psychology and Human Existence, by Roberto Assagioli
Roberto Assagioli argues that the humanistic and integral conception of psychosynthesis and its methods offer the basis and means to solve the various existential problems that arise in life, due to life circumstances and spiritual emergency By Roberto Assagioli, 1974, Original Title: Psicologia ed Esistenza Umana, Translated by Jan Kuniholm and Francesco Viglienghi, Assagioli Archive […]