Roberto Assagioli about Imagination:
“Imagination is a function which in itself is to some extent synthetic, since imagination can operate at several levels concurrently: those of sensation, feeling, thinking and intuition. In one sense it is a cross-section of these four functions, or rather a combination in various proportions of them. It includes all the various types of imagination, such as visualization—the evocation of visual images— auditory imagination, tactile, kinesthetic imagination and so on.
The imagination, in the precise sense of the function of evoking and creating images, is one of the most important and spontaneously active functions of the human psyche, both in its conscious and in its unconscious aspects or levels. Therefore it is one of the functions which has to be controlled when excessive or dispersed; to be trained when weak, and to be utilized owing to its great potency. This explains why in psychosynthetic therapy we are particularly interested in the regulation, development and utilization of imagination, since the practice of the technique of imagination is one of the best ways towards a synthesis of the different functions.” Psychosynthesis, p. 144-45,
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