Assagioli explains that the inner world is real and has different levels or planes that interact with each other. We can influence these by different types of action. By Dr. Roberto Assagioli (Doc. #23107 – Assagioli Archives-Florence). Original Title: Azione Interna[i]Translated and Edited With Notes by Jan Kuniholm[ii] Abstract: In this talk, Dr. Roberto Assagioli discusses […]
Suggestion: Its Nature And Laws
The ability to influence our subconscious with affirmations is called suggestion, and it is based on specific psychological laws By Roberto Assagioli, Feb. 25, 1934[i], from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, doc. #24061.[ii] Lecture VII of a Course of Lectures on “The Energies Latent in Us.” Original Title: La Suggestione: Sua Natura e Sue Leggi. […]