The subconscious is recording everything that goes on and these impressions act in us, so we must be vigilant in choosing our sources of influences. By Roberto Assagioli, date unknown, From the Assagioli Archive in Florence. Doc. #21887. Edited With Notes by Jan Kuniholm[1] Abstract: The plastic unconscious is like photographic film, but the images […]
Bio-Psychodynamics and Psychotherapy
Assagioli presents the history of psychotherapy and its importance for the healing of psychological conflicts and presents the outline of his clinical theory of psychosynthesis. By Dr. Roberto Assagioli, From the journal RADIESTESIA, July-September 1950, derived from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Doc. #23111. Original Title: Bio-psicodinamica e Psicoterapia. Translated and Edited With Notes by Jan […]
Communication In The New Era
Communications between human beings must be framed and included in a broader context of universal communications and relationships. By Roberto Assagioli, after 1965, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence. Original Title: La Communicazione Nella Nuova Era[i]. Translated and edited with notes by Jan Kuniholm[ii] Introduction Before speaking specifically about Communication in the New Era, I think it is […]
Understanding Others
When we perceive or sense that there is an imprisoned soul behind every human being, then our love naturally goes toward it. By Roberto Assagioli, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Doc. #24213,[i]Original Title: Comprendere gli Altri. Translated and edited with notes by Jan Kuniholm If we try to discover the causes of the frictions and […]
Parapsychological Faculties and the Power of Emanation
We can all radiate love, joy, and blessings to our surroundings and in doing so influence our environment positively. By Roberto Assagioli (7 March 1961). Translated from Italian. Original title: Le Facoltà Parapsicologiche. From the Assagioli Archive in Florence. Translated by Gordon Symons. See also the free ebook: Psychosynthesis and Parapsychology. Parapsychological faculties are generally considered as something exceptional, […]
Psychosynthesis and Parapsychology – Part Two
The inclusion of parapsychology is one of the characteristics that most differentiate Psychosynthesis from other psychological conceptions and from other methods of psychotherapy By Roberto Assagioli. (Unfinished notes Ed.) This Lesson was read on 7 June 1961 in the meeting room of the Tiberina Academy, in via S. Eligio, 10, Rome. It is part two of […]
Parapsychological Faculties – Dangers and Potentials
Assagioli gives sound advice as to how we deal with parapsychological faculties, never to overestimate them nor to dismiss them. By Roberto Assagioli (1961). Translated from Italian. Original from the Magazine UOMINI E IDEE, January 1961, Year III, n. 1. Original Italian Title: Le Facoltà Parapsicologiche – Perché Interessano – Pericoli Del Loro Uso, E Come Evitarli. Parapsychological Faculties […]
The Relationship Between The Psychotherapist and The Patient
The relationship between the client and psychotherapist develops through four stages, according to Assagioli from transference to resolution. By Roberto Assagioli[1], undated, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Doc. #24089. Original Title: Il Rapporto fra lo Psicoterapeuta e il Malato. Translated and Edited With Notes by Jan Kuniholm In psychosynthetic therapy the problem of creating right […]
Metapsychic Faculties
Roberto Assagioli discusses five paranormal faculties of the human mind, how they work and the research that has been done to verify them. By Roberto Assagioli (no date). Original Italian title: Le Facoltà Metapsichiche. From the Assagioli Archive in Florence. Translated by Gordon Symons. See also the free ebook: Psychosynthesis and Parapsychology. This field of study and research is […]
Comments on Henri Baruk’s Technique on the Relationship Between Psychotherapist and Patient
Showing trust in the client’s ability to heal is of significant value and is done by addressing the spiritual part of the client. By Roberto Assagioli, undated, From the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Doc. #19938 – Fragment – See Notes in Archives [1]. Original Title: Commenti sulla Tecnica di Henri Baruk su il Rapporto fra Psicoterapeuta e Paziente. Translated […]