“As to the difference between Psychosynthesis and Gestalt Psychology—both of which emphasize the reality and value of ‘wholes’ it can be briefly said that the latter is essentially a theory about the organization of perceptual processes into ‘wholes’ and ‘configurations’, while psychosynthesis is first a dynamic conception of the whole bio-psychological life based on the trend towards synthesis, and, secondly, a collection of techniques by means of which we can eliminate in ourselves and in others the conflicts and other obstacles which prevent or delay synthesis, with special application to education and psycho-therapy.
Finally, psychosynthesis stresses the importance and the value of the super-conscious and of the Self, which are not dealt with by Gestalt Psychology. This is not to deny the valuable contributions which Gestalt Psychology has made to individuals and group dynamics.” (Dr Assagioli in Newsletter 3, Feb. 1959, Psychosynthesis Research Foundation)
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