The secret of effective meditation is found in the motto: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” In other words, it is through the power of thought and intention that energy is set in motion to create the psychological reality of whatever we seek to achieve through meditation.
The purpose of meditation is to become all we can be – our essential selves – so that we can serve life with all of our mind, heart and soul. These seven meditations will enable you to develop the essential skills needed to help you realise that purpose.

The meditations can be used in any order. Each meditation focuses on a key concept of the path to spiritual growth and based on one of the essential concepts of psychosynthesis.
Discover the magic and power of the seven meditations for yourself. Music by Kristian Thorsager.
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I hope you receive the benefit of these meditations. For more information on the seven core concepts, or on meditation in general, I warmly recommend the following books and website:
* The Soul of Psychosynthesis: The Seven Core Concepts by Kenneth Sørensen (2016).
* Integral Meditation: The Seven Ways to Self-Realisation by Kenneth Sørensen (2017).
* The Seven Core Concepts: Read more about the core concepts of psychosynthesis, which the meditations are based on.
* www.kennethsorensen.dk/en/ – for inspirational articles about meditation.
- Disidentification & freedom
- Personal Self & presence
- The will & power
- The ideal model and focus
- Synthesis & flow
- The Super-conscious & abundance
Meditation on the loving observer
This meditation will teach you how to centre yourself as the loving observer, accepting whatever is present in your awareness

No matter what type of person you are, love is the ground of your being, and your soul instinct is to serve the world through this love.
In this meditation, you will experience that – whatever your current state of awareness – you are a loving observer, able to heal yourself, others and the world.
This meditation is best practised when sitting in a comfortable position with your spine upright.
After meditating, make a note of any insights you have gained into the experience of being the loving and accepting observer.
Recommended reading: The Science and Service of Blessing by Roberto Assagioli