Our entire inner development consists of an enlargement and elevation of our I-consciousness until it reaches complete union with the true Self.
By Roberto Assagioli (date unknown), from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, derived from Psicoenergetica.it. Translated from Italian by Gordon Symons, original title: The Self
[Yes, English title-KS]
In the spiritual history of humanity, there are many testimonies of the existence and powers of the true center of our being, the Self. The ancient sages of India, who knew this spiritual Self well, called it Atman. Many of the most profound Christian mystics were aware of it and called it the
“divine spark of the soul”, its “apex”, its “bottom”, its “center” and the “innermost essence”.
Many modern writers have also reported their experiences of this contact with the spiritual Self. I will only mention a brief testimony of Gratry, which is very clear and vivid:
“I felt like an inner strength … full of strength, beauty and joy … a form of light and fire that sustained my whole being; a stable form, always the same, often found in my life, forgotten in the intervals and always recognized with transport and with the exclamation: “Here is my true being”. (De la connaissance de l’âme)
We are careful not to make the mistake of thinking of our ordinary self and our true self as if they were two separate entities. Basically, the Self is one. The ordinary self includes as much of the deeper Self that waking consciousness is able to receive, assimilate and activate. It is a reflection that becomes more and more clear and vivid, until finally it meets with its source.
It could be said that our entire inner development consists of an enlargement and elevation of consciousness, until it reaches complete union with the true Self. It is this higher center that constitutes the connecting element, the point of contact between the soul and the Supersoul, with the Spirit, with God. Indeed, religious philosophy states that the state of grace consists in having God present and living in us; but this presence is not directly perceived by the ordinary consciousness of the faithful soul. On this point Cardinal Mercier expressed himself as follows: “It is true that God lives in us … but many ignore this mystery and remain strangers to it for their entire life”.
And therefore, he gives this warning: “Make frequent, explicit and voluntary acts of faith towards this real and continuous Presence of God in you”. (See Plus – God in us – page 5). The spiritual value and the practical importance of recognizing the existence and the true nature of the higher Self or “I” are immense. This recognition is a true revelation: it is the beginning of a new life, the key that solves so many problems, which allows us to understand so many facts in our inner life. It is the foundation of all efforts towards self-actualization, liberation and synthesis. Archimedes said: “Give me a point of support and I will raise the world”. Now, in order to lift the world that exists within us, the point of support is the Self, the fixed and dynamic center of our being.
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