By Kenneth Sørensen Psychoenergetics in Action When I woke up this morning I felt more tired than usual. I was physically and emotionally exhausted and was in what I call a ‘compressed’ mood, as if I was at the bottom of the sea and could feel the pressure of the water above me. This compressed […]
Archives for June 2017
A Psychoenergetic Autobiography – My Life with The Seven Types, by Kenneth Sørensen
By Kenneth Sørensen, From the book ’“The Seven Types“The purpose of this chapter is to illustrate with my own story how discovering your dominant types at the five psychological levels can revolutionise your understanding of yourself and others. We do not see reality as it is, but as we are – we perceive ourselves and others […]
From the Couple to Community, by Roberto Assagioli
How does a couple bring out the highest possible potential between them? And how does a nation realise the inner soul that are the true identity of that nation? Some suggestions are given here to these questions.
The Conflict Between Generations & Psychosynthesis of the Ages, by Roberto Assagioli
Every psychological age has its good and bad qualities and it is important to keep in touch and develop all the ages in order to be a fully functioning human being.
Smiling Wisdom – humor and laughter a way to the soul, by Roberto Assagioli
Humour is a quality of the soul, which is why laughter is so important. Assagioli talks about the many beneficent effects of laughter and the different kinds of humour.
Spiritual Joy – from happiness, to joy and bliss, by Roberto Assagioli
Can joy coexist with pain? According to Assagioli, spiritual joy or bliss is the keynote in connection with spiritual ascension. It can coexist with the pain that the purification process causes
Psychosynthesis – Individual and Social, by Roberto Assagioli
In this paper Assagioli looks at the different types of psychosynthesis from the individual psychosynthesis to the psychosynthesis of humanity.
Cheerfulness (A psychosynthesis technique), by Roberto Assagioli
In this paper Assagioli gives insights to the importance of evoking and developing cheerfulness. It opens the door to joy and is a good way to deliberately change the psychological states.
Loving Understanding, Wisdom and Love in Action, by Roberto Assagioli
Through loving understanding we really see the other person as he or she is, so it is an act of love to really understand another person. A thought provoking article.
Discrimination in Service, The Wise Helper, By Roberto Assagioli
Whenever we help a person it is very important to be conscious of our different motives for doing so. We must also learn to discriminate between what the person asks for and what is actually needed.