Definition of Resurrection by Roberto Assagioli from his book Transpersonal Development.
“We have now reached the fifteenth group of symbols, that of resurrection and return, what in the gospels is referred to as the return of the prodigal son to his father’s house. This is a return to a previous state and points to a return to the original, primordial Being. It presupposes an emanatistic theory of the soul, descending, becoming one with matter, and then returning to its ‘home’, the heavenly homeland – not as it was before, but enriched by the experience of self-awareness which has come to maturity in toil and conflict.
There is another return, a higher form of returning, and this is the return to the world of those Beings who, in an act of love and compassion, have chosen to help those who are still blind, asleep or imprisoned. This is the return of those spiritual Beings who are free and unbounded, having nothing more to seek or desire in the world, but who nevertheless return to it in order to redeem others as God’s fellow-workers, the ‘liberated liberators’. In Buddhism this is referred to as the renunciation of Nirvana; in Christianity it is known as the work of co-redemption.”
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