- AcceptanceA definition of acceptance in psychology, by Roberto Assagioli From the Archive in Florence "A spiritual paradox – True (positive, generous) acceptance often is the most effective and quickest means to free oneself from a situation, a condition, a bondage. This for two reasons: 1.(...)
- Act as ifHere is a short definition of the technique "acting as if" by Roberto Assagioli, one of the many psychosynthesis techniques used in counselling. "I have recommended the technique of "acting as if"; that is, of acting as if a psychological attitude existed in us, instead of the contrary(...)
- AnimaThe following is an extract from an article by Roberto Assagioli called Vertical Telepathy, translated from Italian by Gordon Symons. Original Italian title: TELEPATIA VERTICALE from the Assagioli Archive in Florence."It is good to remember that a lower motive does not exclude a higher motive(...)
- Animal consciousnessHere is a couple of quotes by Roberto Assagioli, about animal consciousness:“I believe the will is the Cinderella of modern psychology, It has been relegated to the kitchen. The Victorian notion that will power could overcome all obstacles was destroyed by Freud’s discovery(...)
- AnimusThe following is an extract from an article by Roberto Assagioli called Vertical Telepathy, translated from Italian by Gordon Symons. Original Italian title: TELEPATIA VERTICALE from the Assagioli Archive in Florence."It is good to remember that a lower motive does not exclude a higher motive(...)
- ArchetypeHere comes a short compilation on archetypes by Roberto Assagioli: TD= Transpersonal Development, 2007. PS= Psychosynthesis, 1965. “The two main symbols of development are the seed and the flower: a seed has all the potential it needs to become a tree, and a flower, from its(...)
- AscentA definition of ascent by Roberto Assagioli from his book Transpersonal Development The third group of symbols, a frequently occurring one, is that of elevation, ascent or conquest of the 'inner space' in an ascending sense. There is a series of inner worlds, each with its own special(...)
- AsceticismBy Roberto Assagioli, date unknown, original title: Modern Ascetics. Translated from Italian by Gordon Symons, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence. 1st. The principle, value and necessity of asceticism; purification, detachment, control and discipline; achieving full self-control, inner(...)
- AttachmentA short definition of Attachment, by Roberto Assagioli: "Now we shall discuss the many forms of attachment - to people, things and ways of living - which are like heavy balls of lead tied to the feet of those trying to advance, or snares along the path, things that can sometimes even cause(...)
- Authentic“I have recommended the technique of “acting as if”; that is, of acting as if a psychological attitude existed in us, instead of the contrary one. Some are shocked at the use of this method because they consider it hypocritical; they say in effect: i “If I am angry and harbor resentment(...)
- Authenticity“I have recommended the technique of “acting as if”; that is, of acting as if a psychological attitude existed in us, instead of the contrary one. Some are shocked at the use of this method because they consider it hypocritical; they say in effect: i “If I am angry and harbor resentment(...)
- AwakeningA definition of spiritual awakening by Roberto Assagioli from his book Transpersonal Development. "We now come to the fifth group of symbols. These are among the most significant and effective. They are the symbols of reawakening or revival. We might describe our normal state of consciousness(...)
- BenevolenceHere comes a definition of benevolence by Roberto Assagioli and from this source. This can be described as a disposition to goodness, a tendency towards harmony, peace and the elimination of all strife and conflict. But it is a passive attitude, an acceptance of existing conditions, a(...)
- CenteredSee Centred
- CentredWhat does it mean to be centred? In Psychosynthesis, we speak a lot about being centred, and by that we point to the stable, never changing point of pure awareness and will - embedded in all human beings. It is being aware of oneself as a loving observer and when this permanent, unchanging(...)
- Child UpbringingHere comes a definition of child development and ideas relevant to upbringing by Roberto Assagioli.(Source: Symbols of the Supernormal, Part 2. , Conference of Dr. Roberto Assagioli in 1957. Translated by Jan Kuniholm and Francesco Viglienghi. Original Title: Simboli del Supernormale II)In the(...)
- Collective unconsciousHere comes a short definition of the collective unconscious, by Roberto Assagioli. (see also unconscious) “Human beings are not isolated, they are not “monads without windows” as Leibnitz thought. They may at times feel subjectively isolated, but the extreme existentialists conception is not(...)
- Concentration Here is a definition of Concentration by Roberto Assagioli: Concentration and meditation "In taking up the subject of concentration the first point to realize is the difference between spontaneous or automatic concentration and deliberate controlled concentration. They are(...)
- Conscious "I"What is the conscious “I”?, by Kenneth Sørensen Who am I? This is one of the most important questions, and in answering it psychosynthesis has a unique point of view in comparison with other psychologies. According to psychosynthesis: I am not my thoughts, my emotions or my body, but(...)
- ContemplationThis is a quote by Roberto Assagioli defining contemplation. It is from the article Meditation and Contemplation. ...there is another internal exercise with which at higher levels of consciousness, deeper and more precious energies are aroused, more powerful results are obtained, both of inner(...)
- CrisisBy Roberto Assagioli from Il Cammino Spirituale, Assagioli Archive Florence, translated by Jan Kuniholm and Francesco Viglienghi"Not all spiritual evolution takes place in light. Stages of light alternate with stages of darkness, of gloom, in which the mind no longer sees anything; all feeling(...)
- CriticismRoberto Assagioli in his booklet Meditation for The New Age, vol. 3, booklet one: "Criticism is one of the most insidious of the glamours which goodwill can eradicate because it is a double-edged glamour, that is, it affects both its originator and its object. To think of someone critically(...)
- CriticismA Short definition of criticism, by Roberto Assagioli: "We will now examine another of the greatest obstacles standing in the way of spiritual development: the tendency towards personal self- affirmation, and the aggressive ways in which this manifests itself. It can take various forms:(...)
- Dark Night of the SoulWhat is The Dark Night of the Soul? Here is a short introduction and a collection of quotes by Roberto Assagioli about the spiritual crisis called The Dark Night of the Soul, by several mystics. It is a crisis before achieving full spiritual liberation or oneness with the Spirit and must not(...)
- Depth PsychologyHere comes a definition of Depth Psychology by Roberto Assagioli.(Source: Symbols of the Supernormal, Part 1. , Conference of Dr. Roberto Assagioli in 1957. Translated by Jan Kuniholm and Francesco Viglienghi. Original Title: Simboli del Supernormale I)We will now begin to examine the first(...)
- DescentA definition of descent and going deeper by Roberto Assagioli, from his book Transpersonal Development "The second group of symbols has to do with the idea of going deeper, descending to the 'bottom/depth' of our being. Exploration of the unconscious is regarded symbolically as a descent(...)
- DesireThis is a short compilation of quotes on desire, by Roberto Assagioli. Desire or Impulse are one of the psychological functions according to psychosynthesis theory: "Another group of functions that must be accorded a similar consideration are the dynamic or “hormic” functions (from the(...)
- DetachmentHere comes a definition of detachment by Roberto Assagioli from the article Exploration of the Unconscious.Strengthening the Center. Development of Spiritual Self-Consciousness, of the Will that Masters and Organizes.In order to broaden the field of consciousness, extend the periphery,(...)
- DevotionA short definition of devotion by Roberto Assagioli from his book Psychosynthesis Typology: "... devotion is often called love, but in reality it has a tone and a quality decidedly different from that of love, a fact that justifies and even requires the use of different terms to describe(...)
- DisidentificationDefinition of disidentificationIn this glossary item, you will find Roberto Assagioli's dis-identification and self-identification exercise and some important discussion about it. If you wish to explore the technique, you are welcome to use the 7 meditations I have created, one of them a(...)
- EarthA perspective from Roberto Assagioli:“First of all we must abandon the usual external and materialistic conception of nature, we must recognize that nothing exists in the universe that is not vibrant with life and consciousness, that every form and every force of nature are the manifestation(...)
- EmanationHere are a couple of quotes by Roberto Assagioli about involution or emanation. See also the related entries of The Great Chain of Being, and ImmanenceCosmic Involution or emanation“In order to fully understand the nature and power of beauty we need to remember the spiritual concept which(...)
- Embodiment“Although Psychosynthesis postulates the presence in man of a transpersonal essence, it maintains that man’s purpose in life is to “embody” and manifest this Self or essence as completely as possible in the world of daily life.” (Assagioli, from What Is Psychosynthesis?)THE USE OF(...)
- EmpathyEmpathy. “Regardless of one's intellectual understanding, genuine existential understanding is not possible without empathy, i.e., the projection of one's consciousness into that of another being. Its development and use demand an attitude of impersonality and selfforgetfulness; it can be(...)
- EmpowermentA definition of empowerment by Roberto Assagioli from his book Transpersonal Development. "The ninth group of symbols, and a very up-to-date one, is that of 'empowerment' or 'intensification'. Spiritual conquest may be regarded as an empowerment, an intensification of one's awareness of(...)
- EnlightenmentHere comes a couple of definitions of Enlightenment by Roberto Assagioli: "One of the most frequent manifestations of the superconscious in the conscious mind is that of enlightenment, which results from the opening of the 'inner eye'. There are many similarities between intuition and(...)
- Equality Here is a short compilation on equality, by Roberto Assagioli: Higher, Lower and Equality The denomination “high” and “heights” has been used both in the East and in the West to designate what are called religious or mystical attainments. Mountains were considered to be the(...)
- EternityRoberto Assagioli about Eternity from his booklet Meditation for The New Age, Year Three: "In connection with the concept of Eternity, we should realise that this word has two meanings: the one just referred to, unlimited duration of time, and the other, which is in a sense the opposite—the(...)
- EvolutionA couple of definitions of evolution by Roberto Assagioli: "The eighth group of symbols, which has much in common with human experience, is indicated by the words 'evolution' and 'development'. In a sense we might say that these words are synonymous. To develop, which literally means 'to(...)
- Exercise for psychic healthEXERCISE FOR PHYSICAL AND PSYCHIC HEALTHBy Roberto Assagioli. From the Assagioli Archives-Florence. Original Title: Esercizio per La Salute Fisica e Psichica. Translated by Jan KuniholmGet into a comfortable position, lying down. Take a few deep, slow and regular breaths.Say the following(...)
- ExpansionA definition of spiritual expansion by Roberto Assagioli from his book Transpersonal Development The fourth group of symbols includes those of expansion, or broadening, of consciousness. It is helpful to remember that though different symbols may appear contradictory, actually they(...)
- Experience of the personal selfHere comes a compilation of quotes about the experience of the personal self, the conscious "I", which in Assagioli's understanding is the inner observer, the centre of pure self-awareness, and will.The experience of the personal self or conscious “I”1) “If we eliminate the content, we remain.(...)
- ExtravertSee Extrovert
- ExtroversionSee extrovert
- ExtrovertRoberto Assagioli's definition of introvert versus extrovert from the article Jung and Psychosynthesis: (See also the article Extroverts and Introverts by Roberto Assagioli) “We now come to the direction of the vital interest, and so pass from the descriptive to the dynamic aspect. One of(...)
- FearBy Roberto Assagioli from Il Cammino Spirituale, Assagioli Archive Florence, translated by Jan Kuniholm and Francesco ViglienghiFear is often the main obstacle in the inner path. Each of us has his own sensitive points, from which arise his particular fears, sometimes conditioned by the(...)
- FreedomA definition of freedom and liberation by Roberto Assagioli, in his book Transpersonal Development: "The fourteenth group of symbols is that of 'liberation'. This is related to symbols of development. The removing of the 'tangles' is a process of liberation from our complexes and illusions(...)
- FriendshipA definition of friendship by Roberto Assagioli: "Friendship, ... is actually one of the highest expressions of the human soul. It is the basis of mutual understanding, and of all understanding and cooperation in common work." "Dear friends:First of all I give you my happy and cordial welcome.(...)
- Full MoonHere comes a definition of the incoming energies at full moon by Roberto Assagioli. It is from the article Relationship with the Soul. See also the article about Full Moon Meditation.There are cosmic influences, as already discussed in the first lecture and subsequent conversation held by(...)
- GlamourRoberto Assagioli defines seven groups of glamours related to each of the seven psychological types in his study course: Meditation for the New Age. (Year Three) A glamour is an emotional distortion of reality due to an identification with some aspect of the emotional life, defined(...)
- GoodwillHere comes a definition of Goodwill by Roberto Assagioli from this source.Here, the love element and the will element are both present and active, in more or less balanced proportions. It can be said that the fundamental or primary quality of goodwill is love, in its aspects of understanding(...)
- Gratitude and CreativityGRATITUDERoberto Assagioli, (Assagioli Archives - Florence)[1]Original Title: Gratitudine. Translated by Jan KuniholmThere is a thinking substance from which all things proceed and which, in its original state, permeates, interpenetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe.A thought in(...)
- Great Chain of BeingHere comes a short explanation of what has been called the Great Chain of Being by Arthur Lovejoy and how it relates to psychosynthesis according to Roberto Assagioli. By Kenneth Sørensen, This text is an extract from my unpublished book Two Versions of Psychosynthesis: A Comparison of(...)
- GroundedSee grounding
- Grounding What does it mean to be grounded? To be grounded is important, particularly for people who tread the spiritual path because the inflow of spiritual energies can easily inflate our ego. In Assagioli’s words: “An incapacity of the mind to stand the illumination, or a(...)
- HierarchyA spiritual perspective on Hierarchy by Roberto Assagioli:"In order to understand the nature of these states of consciousness well, it is necessary to recall some facts and laws concerning the nature and evolution of the universe.First of all we must abandon the usual external and(...)
- IdealismBy Roberto AssagioliThen there is the glamour of idealism. This is a more or less subtle obfuscation, but one that can have very ugly consequences. It is the illusion that the higher level, the ideal, must be pursued at all costs; that is, narrowly, fanatically or prematurely. Instead of this,(...)
- IlluminationA short definition of Illumination by Roberto Assagioli: "III. ILLUMINATION One of the ways in which the superconscious manifests most frequently in the consciousness is illumination, which follows the opening of the “inner eye”. Although intuition and illumination have a close affinity,(...)
- ImaginationShort definitions of imagination by Roberto Assagioli, one of the psychological functions of psychosynthesis: "Imagination is a function which in itself is to some extent synthetic, since imagination can operate at several levels concurrently: those of sensation, feeling, thinking and(...)
- Imagination Roberto Assagioli about Imagination: “Imagination is a function which in itself is to some extent synthetic, since imagination can operate at several levels concurrently: those of sensation, feeling, thinking and intuition. In one sense it is a cross-section of these four(...)
- ImmanenceHere is a compilation of quotes about immanence from the writings of Roberto Assagioli. The articles Roberto Assagioli about panentheism and What is reality, also contain many important insights into immanence."We have already referred to the two main aspects of divinity: immanence and(...)
- ImmanentSee immanence
- InferiorityA short definition of Inferiority, by Roberto Assagioli: We can distinguish two different causes, or groups of causes, of indecision. One, which may be considered "constitutional," occurs in introverted types who indulge in excessive and sterile self-analysis. They often have an intense(...)
- Inner personThe self, the inner person and the subpersonalities When we endeavour to identify with the loving observer, we often pass through different layers of mental and emotional content we must disidentify from before we can identify with consciousness itself. Some of the most important obstacles(...)
- InspirationA short definition of inspiration by Roberto Assagioli: INSPIRATION AND CREATION Inspiration and psycho-spiritual creation represent other types of relationship and interaction between the superconscious and consciousness. It is of importance to reach a realization of the differences(...)
- Instinct Here is a short definition of instinct in relation to fear by Roberto Assagioli: There are five main forms of fear, and these underlie the five fundamental instincts: - The first is the instinct of self-preservation, the root of which is the fear of death. - The second is the sexual drive,(...)
- Introversionsee introvert
- IntrovertRoberto Assagioli's definition of introvert versus extrovert from the article Jung and Psychosynthesis: “We now come to the direction of the vital interest, and so pass from the descriptive to the dynamic aspect. One of Jung’s most valuable contributions was the discovery and description of(...)
- IntuitionDefinition of Intuition, by Roberto Assagioli Intuition is one of the psychological functions which Roberto Assagioli acknowledge and in this compilation of quotes, Assagioli will define the psychological definition of intuition in its many aspects. "The value of intuition has to be(...)
- InvolutionHere are a couple of quotes by Roberto Assagioli about involution or emanation. See also the related entries of The Great Chain of Being, and ImmanenceCosmic Involution or emanation“In order to fully understand the nature and power of beauty we need to remember the spiritual concept which(...)
- JewelSee star
- JoyBy Roberto Assagioli from Il Cammino Spirituale, Assagioli Archive Florence, translated by Jan Kuniholm and Francesco Viglienghi"The sufferings produced by the low tides and reflections of the spiritual wave are amply compensated for by the phases of inflow and elevation, and by faith in the(...)
- KarmaHere follows a short definition of karma by Roberto Assagioli"By eliminating the illusions and blinders that veil or hide reality from us, understanding helps us to “see clearly”, to perceive the truth, to penetrate — behind deceptive appearances — the marvelous reality and the animating(...)
- LevelsHere comes a couple of quotes by Assagioli about the inner levels or worlds, which we are in connection with on psycho-spiritual levels. See also the Great Chain of Being and The Inner Life .... "Then there are all the “vertical” transmissions; that is, which come vertically, so to speak(...)
- LiberationHere comes a definition of Liberation and freedom by Roberto Assagioli.(Source: Symbols of the Supernormal, Part 2. , Conference of Dr. Roberto Assagioli in 1957. Translated by Jan Kuniholm and Francesco Viglienghi. Original Title: Simboli del Supernormale II)Another symbolism similar to that(...)
- LibidoHere comes a selection of quotes by Assagioli about Libido. You can find the source articles here:, the energy that underlies lifeKeen: Can you describe will further?Assagioli: No. It is indescribable. It is a matter of direct experience, just like(...)
- LoveA short definition of love by Roberto Assagioli from his book Psychosynthesis Typology: "Everybody is interested in Love. It is one of the most-used words in the language, — probably the most frequently used after “I” and “money”. Nearly everybody either has been or will be in love.(...)
- Lower unconsciousHere comes a compilation of quotes by Roberto Assagioli about the Lower unconscious.The Lower UnconsciousThis contains:The elementary psychological activities which direct the life of the body; the intelligent co-ordination of bodily functions.The fundamental drives and primitive urges.Many(...)
- Meditation in Psychotherapy, by Roberto AssagioliBy Roberto Assagioli, Lesson XII, 2 June 1963, Assagioli Archive Florence. “The doctor first of all teaches the patient the techniques of meditation. Then he trains him to perform it by means of “guided meditation”; that is, the doctor does the meditation with the patient, pointing out the(...)
- MemoryA definition of memory, by Roberto Assagioli: "This contrast indicates that there must be something basically wrong with the current methods of teaching languages, and that the elimination of the present incalculable waste of time and effort in this field demands, not mere(...)
- Middle unconsciousHere comes a compilation of quotes by Roberto Assagioli about the Middle unconscious“The Middle SubconsciousThis is formed of psychological elements similar to those of our waking consciousness and easily accessible to it. This inner region is the seat of the elaboration of our experiences, of(...)
- MindA short compilation on the mind, by Roberto Assagioli Mental Development By Roberto Assagioli, from his article Notes on Education: "This does not only consist of a quantitative increase in mental activity, but refers to different ways of using the mind, bringing about a. change in(...)
- Neutrality of PsychosynthesisBy Roberto Assagioli, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, translated by Gordon Symons. Original title: Psicosintesi - Religione - Filosofia. Since the question of the relationship between psychotherapy and religion has been raised, we consider it appropriate to clarify that, as regards(...)
- NormalHere comes a definition of normal by Roberto Assagioli.(Source: Symbols of the Supernormal, Part 1. , Conference of Dr. Roberto Assagioli in 1957. Translated by Jan Kuniholm and Francesco Viglienghi. Original Title: Simboli del Supernormale I)Generally, the average man is considered normal,(...)
- PanentheismA definition of panentheism as it is used in psychology by Roberto Assagioli Panentheism is a term Ken Wilber and the co-founder of Esalen Institute, Michael Murphy, also use to describe their philosophy. In his article on Panentheism Murphy shows how some of the great geniuses in history(...)
- ParapsychologyIn the following quote, Roberto Assagioli gives a short definition of Parapsychology, however for a full insight into his views, download the free e-book: Psychosynthesis and Parapsychology.(Psychology and Human Existence, Roberto Assagioli, 1974, Original Title: Psicologia ed Esistenza Umana,(...)
- PathA definition of Spiritual Path by Roberto Assagioli in Transpersonal Development. The eleventh group of symbols covers that of the way, path or pilgrimage. This too has always been a universal metaphor. Esoteric tradition speaks about the 'path of the disciple' and about the way of(...)
- Perennial PhilosophyHere comes a short definition of what has been called the perennial philosophy and how it relates to psychosynthesis, according to Roberto Assagioli.By Kenneth Sørensen, MA PsychosynthesisThe perennial philosophy is a concept that became popular during the Renaissance. It is based on the(...)
- PrayerRESOLUTION(Parts I and II have been taken from different documents, with the same title and are to be used separately: Part I is for Individual Use, Part II is for Group Use)PART IDoc. #3325 - Assagioli Archive - Florence. Original Title: Proponimento. Translated by Jan KuniholmHelp me, Lord(...)
- PresenceHow to develop the presence of the conscious “I” (See also the compilation of quotes by Assagioli about presence at the end of my text KS) By Kenneth Sørensen The conscious ”I” is not only the observer of our inner world, but also a willer and a lover, and therein lies the deepest significance(...)
- PsychoanalysisHere comes a compilation of quotes by Roberto Assagioli, from his articles.Psychosynthesis presupposes psychoanalysisPsychosynthesis presupposes psychoanalysis or, rather, includes it as a first and necessary stage. There is in this respect a close analogy with chemical processes—both with(...)
- PsychoenergeticsRoberto Assagioli saw a need for “a science of the Self and of its energies”. In this glossary Item, we will see how psychosynthesis is the first step towards Assagioli’s goal of a new psychology, called Psychoenergetics. Here is a large article by Kenneth Sørensen about Psychosynthesis and(...)
- Psychological levelsRoberto Assagioli about psychological levels "The collective unconscious is a vast world stretching from the biological to the spiritual level, in which therefore distinctions of origin, nature, quality and value must be made." (C. G. Jung and Psychosynthesis) "The third group of symbols,(...)
- Psychosynthesis and Gestalt PsychologyPSYCHOSYNTHESIS AND GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY By, Roberto Assagioli, From Psychosynthesis Research Foundation, Newsletter "As to the difference between Psychosynthesis and Gestalt Psychology—both of which emphasize the reality and value of 'wholes' it can be briefly said that the latter is(...)
- Psychosynthesis neutralityNotes on Psychosynthesis, Religion and Philosophy Roberto Assagioli, from Psychosynthesis Research Foundation, newsletter, April, 1962 I think it advisable to answer a question which has been put to me and explain in what sense psychosynthesis is "neutral" concerning religion and(...)
- Psychosynthesis therapy, by Roberto AssagioliHere come some quotes from Assagioli about the definition of psychosynthesis psychotherapy (see also Jung and Psychosynthesis): "Criteria of Psychosynthesis Therapy The criteria which are characteristic of psychosynthetic therapy and which distinguish it in a certain measure from other(...)
- Pure awarenessWhen Assagioli defines the conscious "I" (and the Higher Self), he speaks about a contentless self that is not the content of the awareness (sensations, feelings, and thoughts). Sometimes he calls this I or self for pure self-consciousness or pure self-awareness to underline the fact that it(...)
- PurificationBy Roberto Assagioli, A Practical Contribution to a Modern Yoga, The Beacon, 1933 Purification of the personality PURIFICATION. When man sets himself earnestly about the task of his spiritual development, he soon discovers that the first necessity is a thorough purification of all the(...)
- RadiationA short compilation of quotes on radiation by Roberto Assagioli: “Each of us necessarily and inevitably radiates what he is.” Roberto Assagioli “Energies radiate outwards from the personality as if from a great source of light; luminous rays shine out and pervade the atmosphere. This(...)
- ResurrectionDefinition of Resurrection by Roberto Assagioli from his book Transpersonal Development. "We have now reached the fifteenth group of symbols, that of resurrection and return, what in the gospels is referred to as the return of the prodigal son to his father's house. This is a return to a(...)
- RevelationA short definition of revelation by Roberto Assagioli: "IV REVELATION A type of illuminative experience different from those mentioned so far is the “flash” of consciousness, often a sudden perception, of what a human being is, in which an individual experiences a revelation of himself.(...)
- RevelationA short definition of Revelation by Roberto Assagioli from his book Transpersonal Development "There is one sort of enlightenment that is different from the types of experience we have mentioned so far, and that is the awareness - and at times the sudden realization - of what a human being(...)
- Sat Chit AnandaHere comes a couple of short definitions of Sat Chit Ananda from Roberto Assagioli: "...If one were truly immersed in the universal, one would not knowit. Someone - you will know that way of saying it, of the drop of water that is dispersed in theshining sea. And some, I believe it was Lama(...)
- Scientific knowledgeA short definition of scientific knowledge by Roberto Assagioli from Psychosynthesis Typology: "It is interesting to note that, in order to obtain scientific knowledge, the mind must perform two different and even opposing functions; first of all, it must analyse and therefore distinguish(...)
- Scientific method A definition of the scientific method by Roberto Assagioli: "This is an appropriate point, I think, at which to clarify what the “scientific method” truly consists of, in view of the confusion and misunderstanding about it that now prevails. It was applied first and especially in the(...)
- Self-identificationHere is a short definition of the term self-identification by Roberto Assagioli: “… everybody has some kind of self-identification—and yet very few people have ever stopped to ask themselves what it really means, what it implies, how it can be more consciously experienced and what are(...)
- SelfishnessA short definition of selfishness, by Roberto Assagioli "Selfishness, instead, is the result of the fundamental urges to self-preservation and self-assertion, of the outcome of the desire to possess and to dominate; and as such, continually finding obstacles that prevent its satisfaction,(...)
- Seven Ways Here is a short compilation of quotes by Roberto Assagio, about the Seven Ways. Read also his article The Seven Ways, which goes into depth with this concept. “There are many different ways of expanding the consciousness as one moves upwards, and they are related to different(...)
- SilenceRoberto Assagioli about Silence: “As one teacher has said: “. . . the cultivation of a technique of silence is of incalculable value ... In the silence power is generated, problems are solved and important recognitions are registered. In the silence sensitivity can be developed and the(...)
- Soul Here is a short definition of the soul, by Roberto Assagioli. M.L. What is the relationship of the soul and the personality? R.A. The difficulty in answering this question is first of all a semantic one, due to the very different meanings in which the two words have been and(...)
- Soul InfusionHere comes a definition of Soul Infusion by Roberto Assagioli: A distinction must be made between "infusion of soul" and "infusion of the soul". The soul infusion process - of becoming a soul infused personality - is a gradual process that takes place throughout life.In addition to this(...)
- Star Roberto Assagioli about the star at the top of his Egg-diagram: "The jewel is also one of the most meaningful spiritual symbols. It corresponds in my diagram to the star symbolising the spiritual Self. It is drawn as a star because the diagram is two-dimensional but it is better to(...)
- sub-personalitiessee sub-personality
- Sub-personalitySub-personalities according to Roberto Assagioli The following quotes are among my research notes from my book The Soul of Psychosynthesis (KS). Please also download the ebook: Subpersonalities - A Collection of Articles by Roberto Assagioli. It contains all the most important articles and(...)
- subpersonalitiessee sub-personality
- Sudden EnlightenmentAssagioli gives his thoughts on sudden or spontaneous enlightenment in his article: The Superconscious and the Self. ... some people have reported undoubtedly genuine experiences of the Self which occurred more or less unexpectedly, without any conscious effort of the individual. In this(...)
- Super-egoThe following is an extract from an article by Roberto Assagioli called Vertical Telepathy, translated from Italian by Gordon Symons. Original Italian title: TELEPATIA VERTICALE from the Assagioli Archive in Florence.THE SUPER-EGO AND THE SPIRITUAL “I”I have already mentioned the clear(...)
- SuperconsciousA psychological definition of the superconscious according to Psychosynthesis “What distinguishes Psychosynthesis from many other attempts at psychological understanding is the position that we take as to the existence of a spiritual Self and of a superconscious, which are as basic as the(...)
- Symbol Here is a definition of symbols, their value, effect and usage in psychotherapy, by Roberto Assagioli, from his book Psychosynthesis, p. 173-75, 1965: TECHNIQUE OF SYMBOL UTILIZATION Purpose The purpose of this technique is to utilize the enormous and by far not yet realized(...)
- SynthesisWhat is Synthesis?Giordano Bruno proclaimed the synthesis of the opposites as the principle tenet of a forgotten philosophy. He speaks of the unifying of the opposites: of love and hate, of poisons and their antidotes, of concave and converse.By, Roberto Assagioli M.D., Source: (Handed out(...)
- TelepathyThe following is an extract from an article by Roberto Assagioli called Vertical Telepathy, translated from Italian by Gordon Symons. Original Italian title: TELEPATIA VERTICALE from the Assagioli Archive in Florence.…to come out - with a much greater frequency than that foreseen by the(...)
- The observerRoberto Assagioli about the conscious "I" and our identity as the inner observerHere comes a compilation of quotes from Roberto Assagioli about the conscious “I”, defined as the inner observer and actor. Assagioli described the “I”, the ego, the personal self (terms pointing toward the same(...)
- The selfThe Self - definitions of the self and Self by Roberto Assagioli The Self - an experience By, Roberto Assagioli, From Psychosynthesis Research Foundation, Newsletter When we held the Valmy Conference in May 1958 much discussion took place about the Self and it occurs to us that readers of(...)
- The Separativity of the "I"By Roberto Assagioli, an extract from the Assagioli Archive, derived from In the middle of page 11 you say: "the only thing we have to destroy is our attachment to it". It would seem that we are referring to attachment to the personal self. I(...)
- The WillA short definition of the will, by Roberto Assagioli: "The will is the synthetic power which coordinates, organizes and directs all the other faculties and, therefore, should have a greater development in order to truly master them, while nearly always the opposite is the case. The will(...)
- ThinkingA short definition of thinking, by Roberto Assagioli Reflective Meditation Its simplest definition is to think; an accurate but limited definition, since clear ideas on the function of thinking are not common property. It has been stated that "the mind thinks in us," rather than it(...)
- ThoughtSee mind
- TransformationA definition of transformation by Roberto Assagioli from his book The Act of Will. "Law X—The psychological energies can find expression: I. directly (discharge—catharsis) 2. indirectly, through symbolic action 3. through a process of transmutation. At first sight the direct(...)
- TransmutationA definition of transmutation by Roberto Assagioli from his book Psychosynthesis. "Once the choice of the ideal form has been made, practical psychosynthesis, the actual construction of the new personality, begins. This work may be divided into three principal parts: Utilization of the(...)
- TypologyBelow is a compilation of quotes by Roberto Assagioli about typology: Why we use typology "… the essential unity of all souls does not exclude differences existing in their personal appearances. Therefore, we must make a serious study of these different qualities. This study should become more(...)
- UnconsciousRoberto Assagioli about The Unconscious in his booklet Meditation for The New Age, vol. 3, booklet two: Roberto Assagioli's Egg-diagram: 1. lower unconscious, 2. Middle unconscious, 3. Higher unconscious, 4. Field of(...)
- UnifyHere is a compilation of quotes by Roberto Assagioli, where he speaks about the primary goals of spiritual psychosynthesis - the union or unity between personal self or "I" and the Transpersonal Self, Higher Self or Soul, and even a union with God or Universal Self. Some believe that only a(...)
- UnionHere is a compilation of quotes by Roberto Assagioli, where he speaks about the primary goals of spiritual psychosynthesis - the union or unity between personal self or "I" and the Transpersonal Self, Higher Self or Soul, and even a union with God or Universal Self. Some believe that only a(...)
- UnityHere is a compilation of quotes by Roberto Assagioli, where he speaks about the primary goals of spiritual psychosynthesis - the union or unity between personal self or "I" and the Transpersonal Self, Higher Self or Soul, and even a union with God or Universal Self. Some believe that only a(...)
- Viktor FranklHere is a couple of quotes by Roberto Assagioli about The Viennese neurologist Viktor Frankl: Investigation of the Superconscious The basic premise or hypothesis is that there exists – in addition to those parts of the unconscious which we have called the lower and middle unconscious,(...)
- VisualisationSee visualization
- Visualization A short definition of Visualization by Roberto Assagioli: TECHNIQUE OF VISUALIZATION Purpose The general purpose of evoking the imagination has already been discussed. The great importance and paramount value of visualization is that it constitutes the necessary preliminary(...)
- What is the Dark Night of the Soul?What is The Dark Night of the Soul? The concept the “dark night of the soul” is being used by many to describe a long and painful crisis where they undergo a deep transformation. Roberto Assagioli also speaks about the “dark night of the soul” but in a much more specific way, than many do(...)
- WillHere comes a couple of definitions of the will by Roberto Assagioli and how we can discover it. It is from the articles Educating the Will and Struggle Acceptance and Unification, see also his book The Act of Will for a comprehensive study of the will. The strong, good and skillful will, the(...)
- Will-to-goodHere comes a definition of will-to-good by Roberto Assagioli from this source.Here, the will element clearly predominates. While the initial motive may also be love, there is, however, the manifestation of a dynamic, energetic will which leads to a throwing oneself into the fight against(...)
- World PsychosynthesisPSYCHOLOGICAL EXERCISES AND TRAININGSVISUALIZATION EXERCISE FOR WORLD PSYCHOSYNTHESISBy Roberto Assagioli. (Doc. #23377 - Assagioli Archives - Florence. Original Title: Esercizio di Visualizzazione per la Psicosintesi Mondiale. Translated by Jan Kuniholm)Stage IImagine that we have a globe on(...)