Roberto Assagioli defines seven groups of glamours related to each of the seven psychological types in his study course: Meditation for the New Age. (Year Three)
A glamour is an emotional distortion of reality due to an identification with some aspect of the emotional life, defined below.
Categories of Glamour
To a certain extent, the different glamours can be grouped in certain categories. Many of them have some quality in common and they often overlap each other or arise from the same fundamental characteristics. It could be said that certain psychological types are prone to particular kinds of glamour. Broadly speaking there are seven such types as is illustrated in the following categories.
I. Firstly, there is a group which comprises the glamours of Superiority and Assertion. These include the glamours of:
Imposition of authority
Pride and conceit
Physical Strength
Self-cent redness
Surety of being right
Impatience and irritation
Separativeness, isolation and aloofness
II. Negative glamours are of an opposite type, such as:
Inferiority Complex
Sense of futility
III. Glamours connected with Activity form a third group.
Among these are :
The glamour of ” being busy ”
Constant planning
Scheming to bring about desired ends
Deviousness and manipulation
Self interest
Preoccupation with practical matters at the
expense of spiritual
The glamour of efficiency.
IV. Glamours relating to artistic creativity form a group which is in a way opposite to the last. These are glamours which arise chiefly through sensitive awareness of beauty and the more abstract realities and the desire to bring them into expression and create harmony out of conflict. They include:
The glamour of vague artistic perception
The glamour of beauty
Tendency to diffusion
Lack of objectivity
Dissatisfaction with existing conditions because of a sense of that which is higher or greater
Inner and outer conflict.
V. Glamours arising from mental polarisation. These are on the increase owing to the present rapid mental development of a large section of society and they include:
The glamour of intellectuality
The glamour of analysing and dissecting
The glamour of cold mental assessment
Over-emphasis of form.
VI. Glamours connected with relationships:
Personal devotion
Rigid adherence to an existing form or model
Narrow vision
Sentimental attachment.
VII. Glamours linked with the expression of spirit in matter or meaning through form, for example :
The glamour of law and order
of organisation
of ceremonial and ritual
of the mystical and secret
of magical powers
Psychism, mediumship.