The Conscious “I” is the inner observer Who am I? This is one of the most important questions, and in answering it psychosynthesis has a unique point of view in comparison with other psychologies. According to psychosynthesis: I am not my thoughts, my emotions or my body, but consciousness itself. Let us explore this statement. One of […]
The Self: A loving observer
The idea of the Self as the loving observer and wise director of our life lies at the root of psychosynthesis, and this article explores some of the deeper layers of this concept. By Kenneth Sørensen, MA, Psychosynthesis The Self is a mystery.There have been many attempts in philosophy and psychology to try to define […]
The self and Self, by Roberto Assagioli
A compilation of quotes by Assagioli about the personal self, transpersonal Self and Universal Self The Self – an experience 1) “When we held the Valmy Conference in May 1958 much discussion took place about the Self and it occurs to us that readers of this Newsletter might like to exchange any relevant ideas they […]
Some Spiritual Aspects of Psychosynthesis
From several quarters we hear of a crisis of psychology. There is a growing realisation that the existing academic and scien¬tific psychologies are not adequate to minister to the needs and to solve the problems of a growing number of men and women.
Roberto Assagioli on “I” and Center
Conversation between John Firman and Roberto Assagioli – 1973
Talks on the Self, personal self and transpersonal Self, by Assagioli
In this talk with some of his student, Roberto Assagioli is going deep into his consideration about the nature of the Higher Self. He discriminates between the Self and its influence in the superconscious area.
The Self: A Unifying Center, By Roberto Assagioli
We find a permanent and real Self, behind thoughts, feelings and senseimpressions. This center of pure consciousness and will – the subject – act as an unifying center and create the personal and transpersonal psychosynthesis.
The Superconscious and the Self, by Roberto Assagioli/Vargiu
A brilliant article regarding the difference between superconscious energies and The Self – the immovable point of pure consciousness and Will. Clear definitions of the “I” and the process of Self-realisation.
Toward a psychosynthetic approach to the group, by Martha Crampton
What is it that distinguishes the psychosynthetic approach to group work from other kinds of approaches? This
is the question which we have set in this paper-a question which it would be premature to attempt to answer in a
definitive way, but toward which we can begin to make some preliminary probes, if only to stimulate
discussion. Our tactic will be to analyze certain fundamental principles and premises of such a group rather than
to concentrate on the description of specific techniques, though some of the latter will be referred to for
purposes of illustration.