In this conversation, Stuart Miller (Esalen) and Assagioli discuss Assagioli’s future book, which was never completed: Height Psychology and the Self Interview with Roberto Assagioli by Stuart Miller, January 23, 1973. From the Assagioli Archive, derived from Translated by Gordon Symons from Italian. Original title: Le Esperienze Del Sé. (Editors note: Stuart Miller (1938-2014) […]
The Self – Individuality and Universality
When the spiritual Self is reached, then the universal aspect is spontaneously perceived, because the spiritual Self is aware of the universal aspect of the Self without losing the Center of Self-consciousness. By Roberto Assagioli, Commentary on the enclosed scheme, during a meeting with Lama Govinda, in Castiglioncello, in August 1972. From the Assagioli Archive, […]
The Self – Enlargement and Elevation of Consciousness
Our entire inner development consists of an enlargement and elevation of our I-consciousness until it reaches complete union with the true Self. By Roberto Assagioli (date unknown), from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, derived from Translated from Italian by Gordon Symons, original title: The Self [Yes, English title-KS] In the spiritual history of humanity, there are […]
The Relationship with the Soul
The inner Master, the spiritual “I”, is omniscient, sees into the future, and has admirable powers, whose limits we cannot set. By Roberto Assagioli (date unknown), Lesson VI, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, derived from Translated from Italian by Gordon Symons, original title: Il Rapporto Con L’anima There are cosmic influences, as already […]
The Latent Energies In Us
INSPIRATION – INVENTION – GENIUS For Chopin – writes G. Sand – the creation was spontaneous, miraculous; he found it without looking for it, without foreseeing it: it came complete, sudden and sublime. By Roberto Assagioli, Lecture 1934, Translated by Gordon Symons, from the Assagioli Archive Florence, doc. 23482. Original Title: Le Energie Latenti In […]
The Mystery of the Self
The experience of the self gives a sense of concentrated power at rest, yet ready to express itself dynamically either in the mastery over all elements and forces of the personality or expressed through creative activity. By Roberto Assagioli, From the Assagioli Archive Florence. Translated by Gordon Symons. Original title: Il Mistero Del Sé If […]
A Brief Address on the Self
The “SELF” is not a function, but has functions; it’s not only movement and creation, but he is the origin, the source of all movement and future becoming: he is above all “ESSENCE”, “SUBSTANCE – TRANSCENDENCE By Roberto Assagioli, (Date unknown), From the Assagioli Archive Florence Generally speaking, people in this world are not often […]
The Mystery of the “I”
What we call the “ordinary self” is as much, or as little, of the “higher Self” as the waking consciousness can take in, assimilate and implement at any given moment. By Roberto Assagioli[1], Translated and Edited with Notes by Jan Kuniholm. From the Assagioli Archives – Florence, (Doc. 27481), Original Title: Il Misterio dell’Io Editor’s […]
Disidentification From the Emotions and the Body
Identifying with our emotions and body is a major obstacle to spiritual development. It creates a veil that distorts the reality of who we are as a pure center of self-awareness and will. By Roberto Assagioli, Unrevised notes of Lesson XI, March 29, 1931, and Year IV Lecture X – March 22, 1931, From the […]
The Study of Self
Man must know himself: for what good actions he is naturally most prepared; to what evils he is most inclined; to what studies he should most strongly attend; and against what evils he should be most vigilant; by what exercises he can best go forward. By Roberto Assagioli, Undated, Doc. #24044, from the Assagioli Archive […]