Why did Assagioli maintain his “I am not my body…” affirmation in his disidentification exercise despite opposition to it? In this article, we will explore what underlying experiences and philosophy he bases his understanding on and how he responded to his critics. By Kenneth Sørensen, MA in Psychosynthesis and author of The Soul of Psychosynthesis […]
Spiritual Psychosynthesis
The conscious “I” manifests itself above all as a conscious, resolute and tenacious will, directed relentlessly toward the goal; a will that unceasingly works to master the areas of the unconscious. By Roberto Assagioli, XX Lecture – July 25, 1933. From the Assagioli Archives in Florence, Doc. #24183. Original Title: La Psicosintesi spiritual. Translated by […]
Confronto tra le definizioni di realizzazione del Sé date da Assagioli e da Firman&Gila Di Kenneth Sorensen. Questo articolo è il sesto capitolo del mio libro inedito: Two Versions of Psychosynthesis: A Comparison of Assagioli and Firman and Gila, che sarà pubblicato 2021. INTRODUZIONE Sono passati 25 anni da quando John Firman pubblicò il suo […]
The noble art of becoming a diamond
You have probably heard that spirituality is about simply letting go of your ego and letting your original face appear spontaneously – that you don’t need to do anything to become who you are because you are already perfect. By Kenneth Sørensen, MA, Psychosynthesis As promising as this sounds, it is just not real. Letting […]
How to develop the I-Self connection
Did you know there is a direct channel of communication between your ego and the Transpersonal Self? The knowledge of this channel is one of the key insights of psychosynthesis – it is depicted in the famous egg-diagram of psychosynthesis pioneer Roberto Assagioli as a dotted line linking the conscious “I” (ego or personal self,) […]
What is the difference between the ego and the Transpersonal Self?
Psychosynthesis uniquely defines the ego as the conscious core of the personality, a centre of pure self-awareness and will; the ego is also referred to as the conscious “I”, the personal self or the observer. We discover this conscious core when we disidentify from our thoughts, emotions and sensations, and identify with consciousness itself. In […]
The Connection Between Ego and the Transpersonal Self
A central and unique feature of psychosynthesis theory is the relationship between the conscious “I” (ego or personal self) and the Transpersonal Self (soul or Higher Self). This relationship is depicted in Roberto Assagioli’s egg-diagram (1) as a dotted line linking the conscious “I” (the point at centre of the egg) to the Transpersonal Self […]
The transcendence of the Transpersonal Self
Roberto Assagioli always maintained that the Transpersonal Self was a living reality, a fact to be experienced rather than a concept, an archetype or a symbol, or to put it in his own words: “Psychosynthesis regards the Self as a reality, rather as a living Entity, direct and certain knowledge or awareness of which can […]
How to develop the presence of the conscious “I”
The conscious ”I” is not only the observer of our inner world, but also a willer and a lover, and therein lies the deepest significance of its presence. In today’s world, with all the noise and constant clamour for our attention via advertising, entertainment and social media, there is a deep need for a counter-culture […]
How to work with the conscious “I”, or “observer”, in counselling
In my ongoing reflections on the core concepts of psychosynthesis, we have reached the question of how to work with the conscious “I”, or “observer”, in counselling (see previous post at www.facebook.com/theseventypes/). One of the prominent goals of psychosynthesis counselling is to train the client to lovingly observe the contents of their consciousness and to […]