Our personality is not a unified whole, but consist of a multitude of different subpersonalities or parts, which can be integrated and synthesised. By Roberto Assagioli, Monday, 12th August, 10.a.m. (no date), The Assagioli Archive Florence. (Editors note: This is a transcript of a recorded lecture, and a few words were inaudibly marked by this […]
The Multiple Mind
Subpersonalities are one of the chief aspects of psychosynthesis, and in this article, Assagioli gives an overview of all the different and competing subpersonalities and the need for synthesis. By Roberto Assagioli, from “Verso la luce” – November 1966. Doc. #23065 – Assagioli Archives – Florence. Original Title: L’Animo Molteplice. Translated and Edited With Notes […]