Roberto Assagioli discusses the importance of understanding and supporting the development of children and adolescents and highlights the work of Maria Montessori. By Roberto Assagioli, Doc. #23741, #23743, #23744, #23748 and #23751 in Assagioli Archives – Florence. Original Title: Parole Franche Agli Adulti – I-4[1]. Translated and Edited With Notes by Jan Kuniholm[2] Abstract: In […]
Communication In The New Era
Communications between human beings must be framed and included in a broader context of universal communications and relationships. By Roberto Assagioli, after 1965, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence. Original Title: La Communicazione Nella Nuova Era[i]. Translated and edited with notes by Jan Kuniholm[ii] Introduction Before speaking specifically about Communication in the New Era, I think it is […]
Levels Of Understanding
We must always try to speak in a psychological language that is suited for the person who shall receive the information, it is better to say less than to much By Roberto Assagioli, July 11, 1973, from the Assagioli Archives in Florence[i]. Original Title: Livelli di Comprensione. Translated and edited with notes by by Jan […]
Modes and Rhythms of Psychological Formation
The existence of unconscious processing is demonstrated by the often-observed fact that an action succeeds best after some time has passed since its learning. By Roberto Assagioli[i], undated, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, doc.# 23677. [ii] Original Title: Modi e Ritmi della Formazione Psicologica. Translated and edited with notes by Jan Kuniholm[iii] One of the most important functions […]
Moral Education And Psychagogy
Who really teaches the young person the way, the practical methods, the technique of mastery and self-improvement? By Roberto Assagioli, undated, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Docs #19549 and 23281.[i]Translated and edited with notes by Jan Kuniholm[ii] Every young person who does not live in an entirely superficial way, who does not passively allow himself […]
New Educational Problems in Modern Life
How to educate a new generation? Briefly, one can answer: We need to change ourselves; that is, it is necessary for the educator to be attuned to the new times. By Roberto Assagioli, February 3, 1930, lecture followed by Discussion. From the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Doc. #23689 and 23780. Original Title: Nuovi Problemi Educativi nella Vita Moderna. Translated and […]
Parents and Children and Fifteen Questions for Parents
We must have a deep understanding of our children’s psychological types and unique characteristics to help them unfold their authentic being By Roberto Assagioli, Part I: Parents and Children, From the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Docs. #23425 and 23427. Original Title: Genitori E Figli. Translated and edited with notes by Jan Kuniholm[i] One of the most important and most […]
Problems of Adolescence
Adolescence is an age in which the lowest and highest aspects of human nature flourish simultaneously and follow one another rapidly. By Roberto Assagioli, unrevised notes of 1930, from the Assagioli Archives in Florence, Doc. #22044 and 23769[i]. Formatted and edited with notes by Jan Kuniholm Adolescence is a very strange age — full of contrasts […]
Problems of Family Education Part I & II
Assagioli offers wise insights on how to help children flourish in the family through a loving and wise approach, the psychological method of suggestion is of particular importance. By Roberto Assagioli, (A Conversation held at the Lyceum Club of Rome), from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, doc.s #23771 and 23776. Original Title: Problemi dell’ Educazione Famigliare […]
Spiritual Education
The attitude of the educator will be of one who always remembers that there is an immortal soul behind the child’s personality By Roberto Assagioli, 1930, from the Assagioli Archive in Florence, Doc. #23284, from the Lessons of 1930 [i]. Translated and Edited With Notes by Jan Kuniholm[ii] Image: Anna Lund Sørensen The spirituality of children […]